Is Dish Network Suing TVAddons, Zem TV, Shani?

Is Dish Network suing TVAddons over the Zem TV Kodi addon? A news article has surfaced claiming that Dish Network is suing third-party Kodi repository TVAddons, but what is actually going on?

Earlier today, TorrentFreak posted an article claiming Dish Network was suing TVAddons over the Zem TV Kodi addon, claiming copyright infringement of various TV channels. It states that TVAddons is liable for distributing the addon in question. The addon gives a few more facts:

  1. The lawsuit was filed in a Texas federal court late last week (presumably June 1st or June 2nd).
  2. The Zem TV service is re-transmitting these channels over the internet to end-users who install the addon via the TVAddons repository.
  3. The Zem TV operator, shani_08 used the TVAddons platform to share and promote its service while asking for donations.
  4. Dish Network has claimed to send numerous takedown requests to internet service providers associated with the Zem TV service.
  5. TorrentFreak spoke with a representative from TVAddons, who was not familiar of any lawsuit or takedown requests. The TVA website includes a takedown request contact page.
  6. Zem TV was removed from the TVAddons library weeks ago due to a “technical issue”
  7. The article then lists a PDF of a court document filed, which can be read here.

It’s hard to say what this means and if there is anything that can legitimately be done. If Dish Network suing TVAddons, shani, and Zem TV is true, there are a few facts about this case they appear to have gotten wrong:

  1. Zem TV never re-transmitted any channels. Kodi addons do not transmit or own any content. All the addon does is pull free streams already available on the internet. The true person transmitting these streams are the websites that Zem scrapes for live video links.
  2. No developer associated with TVAddons ever asks for donations for their time. Developers work for free always.

We will keep Kodi followers up-to-date, but so far this appears to be either a fake or misguided copyright infringement claim. Neither TVAddons, nor Shani, is located in Texas or the United States, which will make this case hard to pursue.

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About Ryan William

Ryan is a content writer and SEO specialist. He has interest in all things technology and has published over 2000 posts on the internet. At Kodi Tips, his focus is on hardware, software, crypto games, and how-to tutorials.

19 thoughts on “Is Dish Network Suing TVAddons, Zem TV, Shani?”

  1. After reading Dish’s Petition, I have to say that this lawsuit is in fact “frivolous”, and your attorney needs to file a Motion for Sanctions (Rule 13) to sanction Dish and it’s attorneys of record for wasting the Court’s time and judicial resources by filing such suit. First, ZemTV does not host any copyrighted materials. Second, asking for donations is not “demanding payment”. Third, Addons are like search engines, it’s always up to the user on how and what to look for. Forth, why not ban the internet and/or computers since users are using it to “access” copyrighted materials?

    This is nothing more than a shakedown to scare people off, and apparently, their shakedown worked. However, think about it for a sec., if this case goes to trial, it will be decided by 12 jurors, which means that 1 or those jurors must have either used Kodi before, or got robbed by Dish at some point, not to mention that paying hundreds or dollars for a service that allows you to view programming material interrupted by TV commercials every 15-30 mins, is not a “loss” to Dish because they are double dipping by receiving money from their subscribers, in addition to, advertisers, affiliates…etc. As a result, Dish has no legal basis to prove any “irreparable” harm caused by ZemTV users that decided to “search” or copyrighted IP materials. But again, they can’t go after each and every user because that will take forever, so it’s much easier and cheaper to go after the developer rather than to shutdown the actual provider. This case needs to move forward because it will set precedent and humiliate corporate cartels once the verdict is out. Worst case scenario, you lose this case, they can’t take your house away, it’s homestead in Texas. ha!

  2. I refuse to buy tv from dish network or any other company that charges their outrages prices if it comes down to it I wont be watching tv no more

  3. Ok I clicked the (here) button to read why sportie, who has FUCKING NOTHING to do with dish network, isn’t working. There’s so much bullshit around this whole scenario you stink. You’re not reporting the truth or news. You’re repeating gossip. It’s all bullshit and you’re perpetuating it.

  4. Everyone relax as an old Sat player Dish has nothing at all! When they attacked Sat. Boxes they relied on the fact that their cards were broken and emulated and that was their property. Trust me Dish and Direct think they have bullet proof cards….WRONG! Anyway Kodi, and Streaming and repos are a different animal all together. I’m sorry to see different Devs go but I believe they were going anyway.

  5. Any idea if Turks will be back soon anyone…its the most up to date and the main movie one I use..

  6. Zem and TV add-ons are saying dish is targeting the wrong people. Is the same as the person saying they aren’t guilty because they didn’t rob the bank but just drove the get away car. It is called complicity in the act of copyright infringement.

  7. My God talk about a frivolous law suit and just plain stupidity if true. Here’s why Dish Network can’t win, they’re NOT THE BROADCASTER. Dish Network pays the broadcaster to carry their channels. They also pay the movie producers to broadcast the movies they play. My parents and I put up with paying ridiculous prices for service, where as generation Y, why get a job so I have money, has no money and have looked towards alternative solutions, streaming. So is Dish Network going to sue antenna manufactures too? Because if I use an antenna it’s free and they lose money because I’m not paying them for their programming? Dish Network doesn’t own the right’s to what they broadcast, the broadcasters do. Look at wiziwig. I’ve used them for almost over 15 years. Sure, they caved when threatened with a half a million dollar law suit, but came back stronger than ever and said fuck you. All they’re doing is providing feeds to what is all ready there. If I live in Dallas, and want to watch the cowboys, and live in a major market where it’s carried local for free, versus living in El Paso, I need to pay for whats free somewhere else because I’m out of range of the major broadcasters? Bull Shit. It’s another scare tactic by a greed corporation trying to make up for declining sales. Look at the pure legal side. You can’t sue for lost revenue when you’re not the owner. It’s like one gas station suing another because they have a lower price. Kodi community, stand proud as you always have. Look at pirates bay. They’re still there. Now developers, get your asses back to work! When NBC comes knocking on your door, which they won’t, because IT’S FREE, what ever. Get the point. The owners/broadcasters don’t give a shit because it’s called, commercials. They make their money regardless if you watch it locally, from a cable company, dish network or streaming.

  8. Ryan Joseph – thanks for the early morning laugh. I was thinking the same thing while I was trying to read his post then I saw your’s and I lost it. You made my day!!!!

  9. There isn’t a case number assigned to this complaint so it hasnt been filed yet, at least as it appeared in the link. Since DishNetwork and the two defendants both have consumers in Texas, it is a proper juristiction for bringing the case. Juristiction may be moved later if warranted.
    Tvaddons asks for donations all the time on their crawler across the bottom of the screen.

    To date, Exodus lives in a gray area of the law. At some point, someone purchased the shows and movies that are provided. From my understanding, case law hasn’t been worked out yet as to if this is considered sharing between friends or in violation of digital mellinium.

    Most likely, this case would be brought in Texas because the Federal Circuit Court there is very favorable to copyright protection. I think the bigger question here is why DishNetwork would bring this case instead of the producers who hold the copyrights. Dish is a distributor and although they may lose money because of free content on Exodus, they don’t own the content that is in question. I would think they would have a better chance at suing the provider of content for breaking their contract with Dish because they aren’t doing more to protect the distribution of content Dish pays to acquire for distribution profit. The studios that produce shows would have a better chance at winning this case.

  10. Dude, Liam, come back to earth man. Anywho, it’s not the legality of things that makes it hard, it’s the attrition of being taken to court day in and day out. That’s what makes the “pirates” give up. Things will just turn back to torrenting again and then back to Kodi. It’s forever a cat and mouse game.

  11. I agree with Ryan Joseph what the fuck did Liam just say.
    Anywho. I don’t see what the big issue is. Yes people use Kodi and it’s free. There is also people who don’t use Kodi and pay for cable becuase they are old school and don’t trust anything that’s free. So cable still makes money all day. Taking add-ons or Kodi away will never change all the people who won’t pay for cable just like the fact that Kodi existing won’t change all the people who choose to have cable. Cable and satellite quit being so damn greedy u will never bring back those who walked away from you long ago due to ur greed. Be happy u still have clients and leave Kodi and addons and any others like them alone. U take one down there are more behind them to take their place.

  12. If a company owns a dish and no payers off bills at household it’s not in case law a disherwood own in discussions design or company take any one court if a p6 had a cable company for TV and don’t pay sky high bill new owner understate law not to blame and understanding law many years how many companies own cable men had codes and same sky TV UK and talk talk are blame so you move a house or flat use dish yurt not blame come are coz are not getting their wholesale bills why chat loads and late fees are all pearnt companys and all like maker dish no blame big cable companys are blame human rights all European countries

    Around apply TV Liam TV

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